What is the story of Area 51 is America really doing research on aliens know the truth

What is the story of Area 51 is America really doing research on aliens know the truth

Area 51: We often hear news of aliens. Science has shown that there is not just one but many universes in the world. Where there are many galaxies. In such a situation, a question comes to mind that someone must be living there too. There will be life there too. What would those people look like? What will be their standard of living? All these things remain a mystery till now.

Research is being done on these for a long time. But no concrete evidence emerged. But meanwhile one place is mentioned a lot. Its name is Area 51. This place is in America. It is said. Here America is capturing aliens and doing research. What is the secret of this place? And is the talk of research on aliens true? Let us know.

What is Area 51?

If you go on the internet regarding Area 51, you will see different types of conspiracy theories. Some will say something about it and some will say something else. Many people say that aliens and UFOs have also been seen around Area 51. First let us tell you where Area 51 is. Area 51 is a military testing site and Air Force facility center located in the state of Nevada in the western United States.

This is a very sensitive area and there is 24-hour surveillance. No one is allowed to come here without permission. Regarding Area 51, it is said that America is doing some research on aliens here. These claims get further strength because many people have talked about this on many occasions.

Former intelligence officer disclosed

In the year 2023, former US Air Force intelligence officer David Grush made shocking revelations while talking to the US Congress. He told that after 1930, America has such special technology. Due to which an attempt is being made to do reverse engineering. The intelligence officer also told that America also has dead bodies of aliens. On which research is being done. However, no evidence has yet emerged regarding the intelligence officer’s claims.

Reverse engineering of alien technology

After the claims of the Air Force intelligence officer, a person named Bob Lazar has also made a big revelation about Area 51. Bob Lazar, while talking about this on the podcast of American podcaster Joe Rogan, said that he was tasked with researching the technology of aliens in Area 51. There he learned how reverse engineering is done in alien technology. Did research on this. However, Bob Lazar has not provided any evidence for his claims. Research is being done by capturing aliens in Area 51. In such a situation, it is very difficult to believe in these things.

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